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Expand/collapse blockMove block Information for lesson "Lesson 4: Basic Beauty and Skincare: Skin Types, Analysis and Mapping"
Description: You should be able to recognize the different skin types, characteristics and the specific products to use for each skin type.
Your knowledge of a client’s skin analysis is imperative in the selection of correct products to be used during the facial, as well as the home care products and advice you will give to your clients.
You should be able to divide the various skin type characteristics, your client’s skin concerns and the pore size of your client onto the skin map on your consultation form.
Objectives: At the end of this course students will be able to:
• Your ability to identify different skin types will be easy once you know the four different types, how it looks, why it happens and how to treat it.
• When to prescribe specific products to specific skin types.
• You will know the three questions to ask your client and be able to put it in your own words.
• After interpreting the client’s answers and observing her skin you will feel comfortable to select the best products for your client’s needs.
• You will know the skin map areas
• You will know the skin type coding and be able to draw it on the skin map.
Resources: Advanced Skin Analysis. Florence Barret-Hill 2004
An Introductory guide to anatomy & physiology. Louise Tucker 2008
Principles & Techniques for the Beauty Therapist. Ann Galant. Edition 3
The Art & Science of Beauty Therapy. Jane Foulston, Fae Major, Marquerite Wynne 2007
Various Beauty Houses researched 2011
Various Somatology training material reviewed 2011
Other information: With special thanks: Organiet
Language: English
Tutorss: Sankie Beukes, Nelia Hickman
Units: 4, Tests: 1
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