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Expand/collapse blockMove block Information for lesson "Lesson 3: Basic Beauty and Skincare: The Structure of the Skin"
Description: Your knowledge of the skin structure should increase your client’s confidence in you. This confidence will be confirmed by your ability to explain in easy understandable terms how a skin look and functions.
Objectives: At the end of this course students will be able to:
• You must be able to understand and explain the functions of the skin.
• You must know the three goals of a healthy skin.
• Your knowledge of the three layers of the skin will assist you in understanding each skin type for further reference.
Resources: Advanced Skin Analysis. Florence Barret-Hill 2004
An Introductory guide to anatomy & physiology. Louise Tucker 2008
Principles & Techniques for the Beauty Therapist. Ann Galant. Edition 3
The Art & Science of Beauty Therapy. Jane Foulston, Fae Major, Marquerite Wynne 2007
Various Beauty Houses researched 2011
Various Somatology training material reviewed 2011
Other information: With special thanks: Organiet
Language: English
Tutorss: Sankie Beukes, Nelia Hickman
Units: 3, Tests: 1
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